One of the ways to promote and disseminate the research and findings of experts in various scientific fields is through the publication of scientific articles and the dissemination of university research results. This is done to be widely utilized and to reap the benefits; undoubtedly, printing and publishing scientific journals is one of these avenues. Jami University, understanding this reality, has been publishing scientific research quarterly since 2013, and 29 issues of it have been adorned with the printing press so far. The contributors to Jami's quarterly have, during this period, adhered to scientific principles and complied with the regulations of printing and publishing scientific journals, managing to present this quarterly with the accepted standards of scientific journals. It is expected to be published with special scientific credibility after this.

The receipt of the license for the social sciences journal named "Baharestan" by Jami University from the Ministry of Higher Education in the year 2023 is an indication of the commitment to expanding access to knowledge in various fields.


  • Salamat Academic & Research Journal

    Salamat Academic & Research Journal is published by Jami University and is one of the open access publications. All authors and contributors to this journal are required to comply with the ethical principles of publication.

    All the information of the authors is used in line with the activities of the journal, and no other use of the information is made. It remains reserved for the magazine.

    Salamat Academic & Research Journal received its license in 2024 from the Ministry of Higher Education with the registration code (RCTD-PNJR-002-24) to publish articles in the field of medical sciences.

    ISSN: 3006-7669

  • Baharestan Scientific Research Quarterly Journal

    Baharestan Scientific Research Quarterly Journal is published by Jami University and is one of the open access publications. All authors and contributors of this magazine are required to comply with the ethical principles of publication.

    All the information of the authors is used in line with the activities of the magazine and no other use of the information is made and it remains reserved with the magazine.

    Baharestan scientific-research quarterly received its license in 2023 from Ministry of Higher Education with the registration code (RCTD-GNJR-0043-23) to publish articles in the field of social sciences (law and political sciences, Sharia and Islamic sciences, economics and management...).

    P-ISSN: 3006-6174

    E-ISSN: 3078-8641


  • Jami Scientific Research Quarterly Journal

    Jami Scientific Research Quarterly Journal is one of the open access publications. All authors and contributors of this journal are required to comply with the ethical principles of publication. All the information of the authors is based on the activities of the journal and no other use of the information is made and it remains reserved with the journal.

    P-ISSN: 2710-4990

    E-ISSN: 3006-4821