The Impact of Faith on Social Life


  • Naser Ahmad Heravi Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Jami University



Faith, Impact of faith, Believer, Social life


In Islam, faith is the yardstick and foundation for everything. All of a person's actions, beliefs, interpersonal and social interactions, conduct, and ethics depend on their faith. If a person's faith is righteous, their actions are righteous and comply with the laws of religion. Conversely, if someone's faith is flawed, their actions yield no favorable results and do not lead to their salvation.

On this fundamental principle, faith is intertwined with human existence and determines their fate. Happiness and adversity in a person's life are pursued based on it. When the innate call and profound intuition within a person comprehend the essence of faith and its spiritual significance, they connect with it.

Through faith and submission to the Almighty, a person gains abundant benefits. By discovering their purpose of creation and following the guidance and perseverance on the path of truth, they surpass their desires and inclinations. By transcending their ego and selfish desires, they attain mental tranquility and the serenity of life.

Faith places all of an individual's social interactions under its control and significantly influences the process of shaping the social norms of society. Faith awakens an individual's conscience, making them responsible. It makes them compassionate, kind, and self-sacrificing towards their fellow beings. It instills inner strength and empowerment in people. A believer becomes an active participant in the cycle of production, contributing positively to society.

Moreover, faith shapes a society where its members collaborate, uphold one another, and strive together towards the peak of virtues, dignity, and pride, echoing the slogan: "Hold fast, all together, to the rope of Allah and do not separate." They endeavor towards their own well-being and righteousness, rescuing their society from injustice, tyranny, and unknown rights.


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How to Cite

Heravi, N. A. (2023). The Impact of Faith on Social Life. Jami Scientific Research Quarterly Journal, 8(3), 75–92.

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