The Islamic Perspective on Quarantine


  • Gulabuddin Azimi Theology and Islamic sciences faculty, Jami University



Quarantine, corona, Islam, prevention, public health right, jurisprudence


The current global crisis posed by the COVID-19 pandemic has presented a significant and far-reaching challenge to humanity. This deadly and pervasive virus has tested the wisdom, resources, and interests of societies worldwide. In this context, numerous questions have emerged from individuals across various domains of life. Specifically, three crucial inquiries have come to the forefront: What is the religious perspective on preventing and combating the transmission of COVID-19? How does Islam view quarantine in the case of infection and transmission of the virus? And what is the ruling on the closure of mosques during the COVID-19 pandemic? This research aims to address these questions by employing a literature review approach that draws upon the teachings of the Holy Quran, prophetic traditions (hadiths), opinions of Islamic jurists, and relevant principles of Islamic jurisprudence. The findings of this study demonstrate that quarantine and preventive measures to control the spread of COVID-19 are deemed necessary from a religious standpoint. The preservation of societal interests, necessities, and public welfare serve as justifications for these measures. The transmission of the virus is considered a harmful and criminal phenomenon, necessitating the collective duty of all members of society to combat and prevent its dissemination through isolation and quarantine.



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Author Biography

Gulabuddin Azimi, Theology and Islamic sciences faculty, Jami University





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How to Cite

Azimi, G. (2023). The Islamic Perspective on Quarantine. Jami Scientific Research Quarterly Journal, 7(2.3), 61–81.

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