Author Guidelines

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Guidelines for Writing and Formatting Articles for the Baharestan Academic and Research Journal

A) General Conditions of the Article
1. The submitted article must be drafted according to the valid research criteria of the journal.
2. The article should not have been previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication.
3. Translated articles along with the original text and a brief introduction of the author should be submitted.
4. The right to accept or reject an article, editing, and publishing it after acceptance is reserved by the journal's administration.
5. The final acceptance and publication of the article are subject to the approval of the journal's editorial board.
6. The views reflected in the articles are those of the authors, not necessarily of the Jam University Journal.

B) Formatting Guidelines for the Article
1. Submitted articles should include a title, abstract, keywords, introduction, main body, results, and a list of references.
2. Title: It should be clear, concise, and between six to fifteen words. An English equivalent title is necessary for online publication.
3. Author Information: Complete author(s) information including full name, academic degree, academic rank, university or academic center, email address, and contact number should be provided with the article. (English equivalents are necessary)
4. Abstract: The article abstract should be a maximum of 250 words. It should briefly include the main problem, main question and hypothesis, objectives, methods, and significant research findings. (Also written in English)
5. Keywords: Keywords of the article, consisting of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 main words related to the article's content, should be provided after the abstract.
6. Introduction: The introduction of the article should address the research problem, provide a brief overview of the subject's history and research background, explain the necessity and significance of the research, main and sub-questions, research objectives, the innovative aspect of the article compared to other research, and an overview of the overall structure of the article based on main and sub-questions and the basic concepts and terms of the article.
7. Main Body: The main body of the article includes the theoretical or conceptual framework, methodology (in natural sciences), evidence, documents, arguments, and analysis of the collected materials. The writing should focus solely on the main topic of the article, and sentences within a paragraph should be logically connected and follow one topic. It should include discussion, conclusions, and if necessary, recommendations.
8. Conclusion: The conclusion of the article presents detailed research findings succinctly in news-like statements and provides a summary response to the main and sub-questions of the article. Therefore, refrain from repeating the research problem, summarizing, theoretical framework, arguments, documents, and similar in the conclusion.
9. Article Length: The article, in Word format, should be formatted with a minimum of 3600 words and a maximum of 8000 words.
10. Format: Preferably formatted on B5 page size, with moderate margins, and font size 13, using B Lotus or IRLotus font.
11. Citation Style: The citation style should be APA. In-text citations should be as follows: (Author's last name, year of publication: page number).
12. References: The reference list should be alphabetically arranged at the end of the article as follows:

A) For a book: Last name, First name. (Year of publication). Book Title. Translator. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
B) For an article: Last name, First name. (Year of publication). Article Title. Journal Name. Journal Issue. Volume. Article pages.
C) For an online website or newspaper:
- Last name, First name. (Year, Month, Day of publication). "Article Title". Retrieved: Year, Month, Day. Available at link:
Ahmadi, Jawad. (January 23, 1402). "The Impact of Water Policy on National Security". Retrieved: February 4, 1402. Available at link: https://politic
For a print newspaper:
Ahmadi, Jawad (January 23, 1402). "The Impact of Water Policy on National Security". Kabul: Information Daily, Year 3, Issue 53, p. 5.