Writing a scientific research paper in medical sciences

Writing medical articles based on the standards of international journals





Scientific publications, Writing, Research, Article


The process of writing a scientific research paper poses significant challenges for researchers and young medical professionals, particularly in the absence of specialized training on effective presentation of research work in written form. This article aims to address this challenge by conducting a thorough investigation into the standards and guidelines governing the writing of medical articles in accordance with international journal requirements. The essential role of article publication in career advancement, securing funding, obtaining educational qualifications, and promoting knowledge dissemination is underscored. Acknowledging the difficulties encountered by medical researchers in scientific writing and the scarcity of training opportunities in this domain, the article commences by delineating the current landscape. Subsequently, the focus of the article centers on delineating the requisite steps involved in crafting a scientific medical article that adheres to international standards. It encompasses an examination of the customary sections comprising the title, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and references, elucidating the pivotal elements that ought to be encompassed within each section. Moreover, valuable guidance is provided to enhance the overall appeal and acceptance of the article. By furnishing a comprehensive overview of the established standards and guidelines governing medical article writing, this article seeks to empower aspiring medical researchers and professionals with the indispensable knowledge and skills necessary to effectively communicate their research findings in written form. This review study serves as a valuable resource, catering to authors aspiring to produce research papers of exceptional quality, which satisfy the stringent expectations and requirements set forth by international journals.



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Author Biography

Ali Rahimi, Scientific Research Center, Jami University, Herat, Afghanistan




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How to Cite

Rahimi, A. (2023). Writing a scientific research paper in medical sciences: Writing medical articles based on the standards of international journals. Jami Scientific Research Quarterly Journal, 7(4), 83–105. https://doi.org/10.61438/jsrqj.v7i4.14

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