The approach to understanding security based on the foundations of Islamic jurisprudence and the prominent schools of thought in security studies.


  • Mirza Hussein Fazli



Security Approaches, Islamic Jurisprudence, Force, Persuasion, Authority, Security Schools


The central question addressed in this paper revolves around how the process of achieving security aligns with the teachings of Islamic jurisprudence. It also explores the comparative prominence of different approaches to security across various schools of thought. In the process of seeking security, different schools employ their unique approaches, ranging from "force" and "authority" to "persuasion." Within democratic frameworks, the term "persuasion" is often used. However, within liberal schools of thought, a dual policy is observed, where they leverage the element of "persuasion" against liberals and the element of "force" against non-liberal countries. Additionally, in power-centric approaches, the primary objective is the acquisition of power, thus advocating for a "forceful" approach in this discourse. Finally, in the Sharia-based approach, which heavily revolves around the dimension of authority, achieving security in Islam encompasses various aspects, including political, military, cultural, economic, and environmental security.

In political security, ensuring justice and fairness, consultation, and providing necessary freedoms in relevant areas make security possible. In social security, practicing good deeds, forbidding wrongdoing, advising, reminding, and respecting people's privacy facilitate security. Cultural security, in Islamic political jurisprudence, is achieved through migration, invitation, enjoining good, forbidding evil, and adherence to religious teachings. Economic security, through establishing social justice, fair wealth distribution, and combating factors endangering economic security, becomes attainable. Environmental security, by adhering to the jurisprudential rules in this field, is also feasible.


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How to Cite

Fazli, M. H. (2023). The approach to understanding security based on the foundations of Islamic jurisprudence and the prominent schools of thought in security studies. Jami Scientific Research Quarterly Journal, 8(1), 59–76.

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